Lead the creation of data products from ideation to delivery of value


From the initial ideation phase through to the successful delivery of value to stakeholders, this course covers every key step, equipped with practical skills and patterns you will use everyday in your role as a data product leader

Register your interest now

The course is designed to train your team as a collaborative cohort, we schedule the course to suit your team


How many times have you seen this?

“Stakeholder: I need some data to help answer my business questions”

“You: Yes, but what is the business problem you need to solve?”

Do you struggle with these things?

Do you struggle with generating viable data product ideas or validating these concepts effectively before committing significant resources?

Do you find the discovery phase overly lengthy resulting in delays and decision fatigue as you attempt to manage and analyse an overwhelming amount of information?

Do you find it challenging to accurately assess the feasibility of data products, potentially leading to the selection of products for development that are not viable given current resources and technological constraints?

Do you struggle with transitioning from the ideation phase to prioritising data products, often missing key insights that should guide your decision-making during the discovery process?

Do you find it difficult to create effective, clear roadmaps that guide your data products from conception to completion?

Are you struggling to align stakeholder expectations with data product outcomes, causing delays and dissatisfaction?

Do you struggle understanding the difference between the role of a Product Manager and the role of Product Owners

Do you struggle with leading and motivating a cross-functional team that includes data scientists, data engineers, and analysts?

Are you unsure how to measure and demonstrate the real-world impact and ROI of your data products?

REDO >>>> In this course your team will learn how to solve these problems by using the Information Product Canvas pattern to gather data requirements in 30 minutes or less, using a shared language.

Help your team understand, design and deliver the information a stakeholder really needs.

Once your team have used the Information Product Canvas pattern with your stakeholders, you will find stakeholders will often start the requirements process by bringing a draft of the completed canvas with them. Magic!

Register your interest now

The course is delivered virtually in a single 8 hour session, we schedule the course to suit your team


This course is designed to help

AgileData Business Analyst

Data Product Managers

learn how to meld your product management skills with the skills from the data domain

AgileData Lead

Business Analysts

learn to bridge the gap between product, agile and data by interpreting complex data problems and ideas and translating them into actionable data product ideas

AgileData Decision Maker


if you make decisions about why the product should be built, who the product serves, and how the product should behave, you’re performing the role of a data product manager

AgileData Decision Maker

Data Engineers

understand patterns from the product domain and how these will be used to provide you with earlier insights into what data products need to be built, when and importantly why
AgileData Lead

Data Leaders

strengthen the organisation’s product leadership skills and practises to manage the organisation’s data governance and data strategy alignment with business goals
AgileData Business Analyst

Product Managers

learn how to meld your product management skills with the skills from a data team.

Register your interest now

The course is priced at USD $8,000 for up to 12 attendees, we can extend to 20 attendees by negotiation


What you will learn from this course

Engaging stakeholder workshops

Gain the skills to conduct interactive and productive sessions using patterns like the Information Product Canvas and the Press Release. These patterns help stakeholders visually validate and refine requirements in real time, reducing revisions and accelerating feedback  processes.

Effective prioritisation patterns

Learn how to clearly present and assess data products for their feasibility and impact. This enables better decision-making and prioritisation, moving away from intuition-based choices to a more informed approach.

Discover the why as well as the what

Discover patterns to identify both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of data requests, capturing not just the ‘what’ but also the ‘why’ behind each data product. This approach helps in aligning data products closely with strategic business outcomes.

Empowering team dynamics

Equip yourself with the knowledge to lead and empower your data team, distributing workload effectively and fostering a collaborative environment. Learn how to avoid common bottlenecks by involving your team in the data product process more inclusively.

Iterative delivery and feedback loops

Implement agile patterns which focus on delivering small, incremental parts of the data product to gather continuous feedback and make adjustments. This process not only improves the end product but also increases stakeholder satisfaction and team morale.

Navigating complex data environments

Address common pitfalls in the delivery steps, learning how to extract the most pertinent information without getting overwhelmed.

A shared language

Learn a data requirements language that both your stakeholders and your data teams can understand.

No more trying to convert “I want to understand the total value of orders last year” into “Dim Order, Dim Time, Daily Order Value Fact” in your head or writing two diff req docs.

Feel the rush of delivering value often and early

Learn a great way to understand the business problems. identify the most valuable problem to solve, then being part of the data team that delivers valuable Information Products to your stakeholders.

No more putting in the hard effort upfront and never getting to see the success that results.

Register your interest now

Your team can attend the course from anywhere in the world, we schedule the course to suit your team


Shane Gibson

Shane Gibson

AgileData Coach

Creator of the Information Product Canvas, 10+ years coaching data and analytics teams

I have spent over 10 years coaching data and analytics teams on how to combine agile, product and data patterns to craft their own ways of working.

When coaching teams I often train them on common patterns that help them solve specific problems.

Many of those patterns I have used and iterated over the last 10 years are patterns that are core to both the product management and data management domains.

I have spent over 30 years working in the data and analytics domain, and in a myriad of roles, but we won’t talk about that.

Register your interest now

We use a combination of Google Meet and Miro to help your team collaborate, we schedule the course to suit your team


Course Syllabus

Time Commitment

The course is run as a 8 hour in-person virtual course.



Team Up


Product Management & Product Leaders


Ideation and Discovery




Roadmaps and Strategies




Self Sufficient Teams


Way of Working


Product Ownership during Delivery


Data Fluency


Register your interest now

We can run the course for up to 20 attendees, reach out to discuss the cost for your larger team


Learn by doing, together


Virtual and In-Person

This course is run virtually, using Google Meet and Miro.  The course is not pre-recorded, Shane facilitates the course in-person.

Active hands-on learning

70% of this course is you working in small groups, completing the Canvas, so you can learn by doing.

Interactive and case study based

You will follow a case study, to give you the inputs you need and help guide you though the process, based on the real world.

Regular Q&A

After completing each area of the Canvas, a question and answers session provides an opportunity for constant feedback and support.

1:1 Canvas Review

An optional 1:1 review session with Shane, provides a review and feedback session for the first canvas you complete for your organisation.

Max 20 focussed learners

We cap each course cohort at 20 people to ensure you get the focus and information you need to be successful.

Register your Interest

Shane will be in touch


  • Designed to be run privately for an organisations data team
  • Single 8 hour virtual session
  • Delivered using Google Meet and Miro
  • In-person instructor, no pre-recorded content
  • USD $8,000 for upto 12 attendees
  • A maximum of 20 attendees by negotation
  • Scheduled to suit your teams timezone


Frequently Asked Questions

How much face time will I get with Shane?

Shane delivers this course virtually in-person.

Your team will learn directly from him, and will have ample opportunities to ask questions and interact with both Shane and your wider team.

What is the expected time commitment for my team?

The course requires 4 hours of your teams time.

We schedule the course to suit your team, their timezone and their workload.

Will the course be recorded?


A large portion of the course is learning how to complete the Information Product Canvas by doing the work together in break out groups.

Data teams often discuss examples from their organisations as part of completing the Information Product Canvas and it is important that they can do this in a private and confidential space.

What if I have less than 12 attendees?

We had a bunch of choices on how we could charge for this course.

We chose to fix price it to make it simple.

If your team is less than 12, we still think the price is excellent value.

You could also reach out to other teams in your organisaiton to see if they wanted to attend, the more the merrier we say!

What is the refund policy?

We won’t refund your money, but we are happy to reschedule your teams course if something urgent comes up.