Learn the data patterns to build a Data Warehouse in 1 day 


Want to learn all the patterns required to build a data warehouse? 

From data platform and data architecture, to the core tools and capabilities you need, ending with how to collect, combine and consume that data? 

This course will teach you the why and what of that data work, with hands on sessions that teach you the how by doing. You will be building an end-to-end Data Warehouse in 1 day.

Register your interest now

The course is designed to train your team as a collaborative cohort, we schedule the course to suit your team


Is this you?

“I want to know the end to end process to build a data warehouse, but I don’t know where to start!”

Does you or your data team struggle with these things?

You need to design a robust data warehouse but the architectural options are complex and diverse. You’re not sure which architecture fits best with your business requirements.

There are so many data capabilities, tools and technologies available for data warehousing. You have to choose, but you don’t know which capabilities you should implement first or which capabilities will align with your strategic goals.

You are tasked with gathering requirements for your data warehouse, but every stakeholder has different needs and expectations. You need a systematic approach to capture these requirements effectively, but lack a method that everyone can understand and agree upon.

You are responsible for the data design in your data warehouse, but creating an optimal design that supports both current and future needs is daunting. You need patterns that accommodate complex data relationships and queries efficiently, but finding the right balance is proving difficult.

Your data comes from various sources and needs to be integrated. You’re tasked with combining it into a unified data warehouse, but the integration process is filled with technical hurdles.

You are going to be responsible for the quality and consistency of data in your data warehouse. However, ensuring high standards across varied data sets is proving to be exceptionally challenging.

You’re faced with the challenge of implementing complex transformation logic within your data flows. You need to ensure accuracy and efficiency, but the intricacy of these transformations is overwhelming and prone to errors.

Your organisation is growing, and so are your data needs. You need your data warehouse to scale accordingly, but scalability planning is more complicated than expected.

Your data works is growing in complexity and volume, necessitating a larger data team. You need to scale the data work being done, but you are not able to hire more people to scale your data team.

You need to maintain a high level of observability in your data platform to quickly identify and resolve issues, but your not sure how much of the DataOps capability to build and when. You know a lack of observability will hindering the data team going forward.

In this course, you will learn how to tackle these challenges by employing robust agile data warehousing design patterns.

We will equip you with the skills and patterns required to efficiently design, integrate, and manage complex data warehouses.

Once you have mastered these AgileData patterns and practises, you will gain confidence in your ability to support growing data needs and complex data problems, leading to simply magical delivery of the data work.

Register your interest now

The course is delivered virtually in 4 x 3 hour sessions, we schedule the course to suit your team

Up to here


This course is designed to help

AgileData Lead

Data Analysts


AgileData Business Analyst

Data Engineers

???junior data engineers who want to increase their knowledge.

AgileData Decision Maker

Data Leaders

???end to end ??? who want to try the pattern themselves before recommending it to their data teams

Register your interest now

The course is priced at USD $12,000 for up to 8 attendees


What you will learn from this course

Understand the End-to-End Process

Learn the steps to build a data warehouse from scratch, guiding you through each phase. Understand how to navigate complex architectural decisions to design a robust and scalable data warehouse.

No more feeling lost or overwhelmed by the myriad of architectural options available.

Choose the fit for purpose Tools and Technologies

Gain insights into selecting the most appropriate data capabilities, tools, and technologies for your data warehouse. Learn which capabilities to implement first and how to align them with your strategic goals.

Avoid the confusion and uncertainty of tool selection, ensuring your choices support your long-term organisational objectives.

Systematic Requirement Gathering

Master a systematic approach to capturing data warehouse requirements that all stakeholders can understand and agree upon. Learn methods to gather comprehensive requirements effectively, balancing diverse stakeholder needs.

Say goodbye to misaligned expectations and the frustration of gathering incomplete or conflicting requirements.

Optimal Data Design Patterns

Learn how to create an optimal data warehouse design that supports both current and future needs. Discover patterns that accommodate complex data relationships and queries efficiently.

Overcome the challenges of designing a data warehouse that is both flexible and efficient.

Effective Data Integration

Understand the process of integrating data from various sources into a unified data warehouse. Learn techniques to handle the technical hurdles of data integration smoothly.

No more struggling with fragmented data sources and integration complexities.

Ensure Data Quality and Consistency

Discover strategies to maintain high data quality and consistency across varied data sets. Learn how to implement data quality standards and processes that ensure reliable data.

Tackle the challenge of maintaining data integrity with confidence.

Manage Complex Transformations

Learn how to handle complex transformation logic within your data flows accurately and efficiently. Understand good practices to ensure your transformations are precise and error-free.

Eliminate the headaches of intricate transformation processes.

Plan for Scalability

Gain the knowledge to plan for the scalability of your data warehouse as your organisation grows. Learn how to design a data warehouse that can scale seamlessly with increasing data volumes and complexity.

Prepare your data warehouse to grow alongside your organisation without the stress.

Scale Your Data Team's Work

Learn patterns you can teach the rest of your data team, enabling them to contribute effectively. Avoid becoming the bottleneck and work collaboratively to solve data problems.

Empower your team to handle increasing data demands efficiently.

Maintain High Observability

Understand the importance of observability in your data platform. Learn how to build DataOps capabilities to quickly identify and resolve issues, maintaining a smooth and reliable data operation.

Ensure your data platform is highly observable to prevent and resolve issues promptly.

Feel the rush of delivering value often and early

Learn an effective apporach to desing your data warehouse capabilties by breaking them down into manageable chunks. Deliver these data solutions to your stakeholders incrementally, refining and improving as you progress.

No more exhausting upfront efforts without witnessing the tangible success that follows.

Register your interest now

Your team can attend the course from anywhere in the world, we schedule the course to suit your team


Shane Gibson

Shane Gibson

AgileData Coach

Creator of the Information Product Canvas, 10+ years coaching data and analytics teams

I have spent over 10 years coaching data and analytics teams on how to combine agile, product and data patterns to craft their own ways of working.

When coaching teams I often train them on common patterns that help them solve specific problems.

One of those patterns I have created and iterated over the last 10 years is using the Information Product Canvas as a way of repeatably gathering data requirements using a shared language.

This pattern has been iterated in conjunction with teams and companies of all sizes and shapes. It really is a thing of beauty.

I have spent over 30 years working in the data and analytics domain, and in a myriad of roles, but we won’t talk about that.



Nigel Vining

DataOps Engineer

DataOps Engineer, specialising in Cloud solutions for Data Warehouses big and small

Register your interest now

We use a combination of Google Meet and Miro to help your team collaborate, we schedule the course to suit your team


Course Syllabus

Time Commitment

The course is run as a 4 x 3 hour in-person virtual course.


Before the course starts you are provided with a detailed article explaining

Measures of success, Team Design, Visiona Statemens, press releases, IPC, Radar, Platform Archetcture, Data Architecture

You should read these in your own time before we start the course together.

Value Stream Overview
Information Factory Archtecture Overview

data platform archiecture,

Data Design
Collect Data
Data Trust
Combined Rules
Consume / Semantic Rules

We all yell Whoot! and Carry On

We finish the session with an overall Q&A to answer any outstanding questions you may have.

Register your interest now

We can run the course for up to 8 attendees


Learn by doing, together

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Virtual and In-Person

This course is run virtually, using Google Meet and Miro.  The course is not pre-recorded, Shane facilitates the course in-person.

Active hands-on learning

70% of this course is you working in small groups, completing the Canvas, so you can learn by doing.

Interactive and case study based

You will follow a case study, to give you the inputs you need and help guide you though the process, based on the real world.

Regular Q&A

After completing each area of the Canvas, a question and answers session provides an opportunity for constant feedback and support.

1:1 Canvas Review

An optional 1:1 review session with Shane, provides a review and feedback session for the first canvas you complete for your organisation.

Max 20 focussed learners

We cap each course cohort at 20 people to ensure you get the focus and information you need to be successful.

Register your Interest

Shane will be in touch


  • Designed to be run privately for an organisations data team
  • Single 4 hour virtual session
  • Delivered using Google Meet and Miro
  • In-person instructor, no pre-recorded content
  • USD $4,000 for upto 12 attendees
  • A maximum of 20 attendees by negotation
  • Scheduled to suit your teams timezone


Frequently Asked Questions

How much face time will I get with Shane?

Shane delivers this course virtually in-person.

Your team will learn directly from him, and will have ample opportunities to ask questions and interact with both Shane and your wider team.

What is the expected time commitment for my team?

The course requires 4 hours of your teams time.

We schedule the course to suit your team, their timezone and their workload.

Will the course be recorded?


A large portion of the course is learning how to complete the Information Product Canvas by doing the work together in break out groups.

Data teams often discuss examples from their organisations as part of completing the Information Product Canvas and it is important that they can do this in a private and confidential space.

What if I have less than 12 attendees?

We had a bunch of choices on how we could charge for this course.

We chose to fix price it to make it simple.

If your team is less than 12, we still think the price is excellent value.

You could also reach out to other teams in your organisaiton to see if they wanted to attend, the more the merrier we say!

What is the refund policy?

We won’t refund your money, but we are happy to reschedule your teams course if something urgent comes up.

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