Data Architecture Patterns
What problem is the pattern looking to solve
How do we store data centrally, in a way that provides context and absorbs changes, while also making it quickly available for use with minimal upfront work.
What problem is the pattern looking to solve
How do we access decentralised data, in a way that provides context and absorbs changes, while also making it quickly available for use with minimal upfront work.
Data Architecture Patterns
System of Capture > Persistent History > Data Vault > Consume
How do we store data centrally, in a way that provides context and absorbs changes, while also making it quickly available for use with minimal upfront work.
Source > Data Lake > Data Vault > Consume
How do we store data centrally, in a way that provides context and absorbs changes, while also making it quickly available for use with minimal upfront work.
Source > Data Vault > Consume
How do we store data centrally, in a way that provides context and absorbs changes.