Concept of an Information ProductAn Information Product is an approach to describe a subset of...
Design Articles
Concept of Prioritisation
Multitasking is the problem, we should focus on one thing at a time Data teams should only work on...
Core Prioritisation Patterns
Eisenhower Matrix The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgency-Importance Matrix, is a simple...
Fixed Mindset Prioritisation Patterns
There are a number of popular fixed mindset prioritisation patterns. MoSCow The Moscow prioritisation pattern is often used to prioritise tasks, features, or requirements in software development. The pattern consists...
Problems with the fixed mindset prioritisation patterns
There are a number of problems that come with the use of the fixed mindset prioritisation patterns. The definitions of the prioritisation categories can be ambiguous and open to interpretation, which can lead to...
AgileData prioritisation patterns
There are a number of prioritisation patterns we have found in the agile and product domains which we have proven are useful when used to prioritise work in the data domain. We use the Information Product Canvas and...
Levels of Prioritisation
When looking at the AgileData patterns for prioritisation you can see they are all based on prioritising Information Products based on the Information Product Canvas template or Data Platform Features based on the Data...
Prioritisation Anti-Patterns
Delegated stakeholders Stakeholders are busy people and they may try and delegate their attendance at the prioritisation workshop to somebody that reports to them. But while they will delegate the attendance, they...
Self Organising Team Prioritisation
In an AgileData Way of Working the AgileData team are responsible and accountable to prioritise the work of tasks that are to be done. They are focused on the operational and personal levels of prioritisation....
Concept of a Persona
The concept of a Persona A persona is a model of a fictional character that represents a user or customer. Personas are based on research about the target users or consumers, they are usually given a name, a picture,...
Persona Template
AgileData Personas We can use the same common language to identify and differentiate the group of people we are developing an Information Product or a data platform feature for. There are a set of typical personas we...
Persona Template Areas
Persona Template Areas The Persona Template is divided into 12 areas, each is designed to articulate a subset of the persona demographics in a way that we can quickly capture these and we can articulate them using a...