Like a lot of artefacts you create and update as part of your AgileData WOW, the Information Product canvas and brief is updated multiple times as you progress through the delivery process. Each time more detail is added as you discover and document it.

There are five major stages where the Information Product documentation is updated.

  1. Gather, Size & Prioritise
  2. Estimation and commitment planning
  3. Build Design
  4. As Built
  5. When the Information Product is changed in the future

Gather, Size & Prioritise
The initial version of the Information Product canvas is created, with the minimal amount of detail required. This allows a high-level estimate of effort to build the Information Products to be t-shirt sized and the Information Products to be prioritised.

The gathering, sizing and prioritising enables the Information Product roadmap/backlog to be populated.

Estimation and commitment planning
The Information Product brief is updated with more detail to enable it to be sized using story points during the backlog refinement. The aim is to ensure it can be delivered within the timeframe that is expected.

Build Design
The Information Product brief is updated with enough detail to enable the team to start development. This is typically done at the beginning of the delivery iteration, in conjunction with the Vision, Business Event discovery and Wireframing workshops.

As Built
The Information Product brief is updated to become an as-built document to confirm what the team delivered.  Ideally the documentation as flipped to follow a documentation as code pattern by this stage.

Ongoing Changes
The Information Product documentation is updated, using a documentation as code pattern every-time a change is made to it.