So you need to become a Information Product Owner


Congratulations you have been told you are a Data Product Owner, now what? 

This course provides an outline of the role and the skills, language and patterns you will need to perform the Data Product Owner role.

Register your interest now

The course is designed to train your team as a collaborative cohort, we schedule the course to suit your team


This course is designed to help

AgileData Business Analyst

Data Product Owners

who need to help define and prioritise the data work coming up

AgileData Lead

Business Analysts

who are performing the Data product owner role as a Proxy

AgileData Decision Maker


if you make decisions about why the product should be built, who the product serves, and how the product should behave, you’re performing the role of a product owner

Register your interest now


What you will learn from this course

Overview of Scrum in the Data Domain

Understand how Scrum patterns, processes, and roles can be adapted for data teams to deliver value efficiently and effectively to stakeholders.

Understanding the Role of the Information Product Owner

Gain insights into what a data product is and comprehensively understanding the responsibilities and functions of a Information Product Owner in the team that develops these products

Stakeholder Management

Learn how to use prioritisation patterns, planning horizons, and vision statements to identify and develop the most valuable data products. Including strategies for effective communication and alignment with stakeholder needs and expectations.

Communicate with the Data Team

Learn how to develop a shared language with the data team to agree on what will be built and in what order, ensuring alignment and clarity in the product development process.

Role During Delivery

Understand the time commitment and skills required from a Information Product Owner when the data team is building and delivering a product. This includes involvement in various stages of the development process and effective collaboration with the team.

In-depth Knowledge of Scrum Patterns for the data domain

Delving deeper into specific Scrum patterns, including the role of the Product Owner during Scrum ceremonies, understanding the definitions of ‘ready’ and ‘done’, and techniques for effective sprint planning and task sizing.

Register your interest now

Your team can attend the course from anywhere in the world, we schedule the course to suit your team


Shane Gibson

Shane Gibson

AgileData Coach

10+ years coaching data and analytics teams

I have spent over 10 years coaching data and analytics teams on how to combine agile, product and data patterns to craft their own ways of working.

When coaching teams I often train them on common patterns that help them solve specific problems.

This includes training people on how to combine agile, product and data patterns and skills to become Information Product Owners.

I have spent over 30 years working in the data and analytics domain, and in a myriad of roles, but we won’t talk about that.

Register your interest now

We use a combination of Google Meet and Miro to help course attendees learn by doing, we schedule the course to suit your team


Course Syllabus

Time Commitment

The course is run as a 7 hour in-person virtual course.

Why are we working this way
We start with an overview of Scrum patterns, processes and roles and how they can be adopted by a Data Team to deliver value to Stakeholders early.
Role of the Product Owner

Understand what a Information Product is and what your role and responsibilities are as part of the team that creates these products.

Stakeholder Management

How to use prioritisation patterns, planning horizons and vision statements to understand what is the most valuable product to ask the data team build next.

A shared language with the data team to agree what will be built and in what order.

What is your role during delivery

Understand your required time commitment when the data team are building and delivering the Information Product, and what skills and effort you will need while they do it.

More about Scrum Patterns

Learn about some of the Scrum Patterns in more detail, including your role during Scrum ceremonies, definition of ready and done, sprint planning and sizing.

We all yell Whoot! and Carry On

We finish the session with an overall Q&A to answer any outstanding questions you may have.

Register your Interest

Shane will be in touch


  • Designed to be run privately for an organisations data team
  • Single 8 hour virtual session
  • 1 hour lunch break and 10 minute break every hour
  • Delivered using Google Meet and Miro
  • In-person instructor, no pre-recorded content
  • Scheduled to suit your teams timezone


Frequently Asked Questions

How much face time will I get with Shane?

Shane delivers this course virtually in-person.

Your team will learn directly from him, and will have ample opportunities to ask questions and interact with both Shane and your wider team.

What is the expected time commitment for my team?

The course requires 6 hours of your teams time.

We schedule the course to suit your team, their timezone and their workload.

Will the course be recorded?


Data teams often discuss examples from their organisations as part of completing the Course and it is important that they can do this in a private and confidential space.

What is the refund policy?

We won’t refund your money, but we are happy to reschedule your teams course if something urgent comes up.